Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Due Process

You know about all those crazy people in the past who said conspiracy theory this murder laws that.  You know, those hucksters that tried to make you fear your government and said the government does not have your interests at heart. Well all fiction aside, Orwell's 1984 is becoming real.  In this video, by The Young Turks, highlighting a talk by Eric Holder, Attorney General of the U.S., who was the overseer of "operation fast and furious", where the U.S. government allowed weapons to be funneled into Mexico, who then later blamed the U.S. for our 'poor' policy of gun control, who gave a talk about assassinating U.S. citizens.  It is now law in the U.S. that the executive branch can now order the killing of U.S. citizens anywhere in the world without regard for what a court may say.  In fact we have already killed some but how many, nobody knows.


When will this paranoid insanity end.  We have become a nation of scared denizens.  We can blame both parties here, for this is worse than what Bush II has done.  He may have set the stage but Obama has taken the reigns and is sending freedom down the road to oblivion.  They no longer need to present evidence or show it to a court.  They have no need to make charges.  No lawyer will look into your defense for you no longer have one.  They are now judge, jury, and executioner which is in direct conflict with the constitution.  I don't know why there is no outrage and I am positive many among us would defend these psychotic laws and logic with an appeal for our safety.  We need to get the terrorists.  Terrorists, Terrorists, Terrorists.  Its such a joke in any other context except for this is real life.

If we want to end this nightmare, the only politician which opposes this on all fronts is Ron Paul.  Sadly I have strong doubts he will win and in the past he has said "it is not about winning. It's about the message."  Although he's correct that it's about the message we would be in a superior position if we could get him elected.  I suppose having a constitutionalist in power really is a radical agenda. Who knew?

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