Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ordinary people seem not to realize that those

who really apply themselves in the right way to

philosophy are directly and of their own accord

preparing themselves for dying and death. If this

is true, and they have actually been looking

forward to death all their lives, it would of course

be absurd to be troubled when the thing comes

for which they have so long been preparing and

looking forward.


Independance what me worry?

So, why do we even bother to celebrate Independence Day?  A worthy question, isn't it?  Lets examine fireworks.  To purchase fireworks one most often has to go out of their way to do so.  Usually associated with going to an Indian reservation then perhaps risking a search and fine for transporting them and still later on another fine for possession not to mention actually igniting said works.

 In many areas the only legal way to see fireworks is to go the state designated display. The state.  The state is the one who we must go to to celebrate our Independence.  Now what a backwards fucked up notion.  Really. The state buys Chinese made fireworks, sold from an Indian reservation, takes your tax dollars to do so and tells you this is the way it must be for your safety, reduce fires and to further brainwash you. oops, not that last one.

In this area they made fireworks illegal first by the fact that CAN cause fires.  Like anything else in this world can do anything else but I digress.  So you think the next year "they" would say okay, fire danger over, its been raining for weeks, fireworks are okay this year. NO!  Its for the children.  We gotta keep them safe.  This one bitch on the Internet said that people were asshole who light fireworks because it scares her dog.  Well if it scares your dog well lets all be cognisant of that. 

What a lost cause we are.  Everyone was worried that since "I have to go to work tomorrow" no one I had spoken to was particularly excited to celebrate the 4th anyways.  Oh well, I guess nothing is really worth celebrated in the end.  Most of it is based on lies anyhow.  I find its hard to celebrate the 4th.  Lousy politicians, corporate greed, corporate interest, wall street scandals, endless wars, crushing debt, high unemployment for 5 to 10 more years, bad economy, gulf oil spills, Montana oil spills, the patriot act, hunger, air is unfit to breath food unfit to eat the list goes on and on and on.  So maybe I or you can find solace in celebrating what the 4th of July once was.  Say, a celebration of history. Maybe that's what we should call it: Celebrate 4th of July History instead of Independence Day.