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In this country right now, we have created a nightmare of corruption. IF and I say again IF we as a people ever overcome this horrible, terrible system we have not only allowed to happen but helped to create it, we will tell our children stories of this horror of a political system. I would put forward to you that our system is 100% corrupt. Money in politics, corporate lobby's, the federal reserve, and a lack luster education system have shaped our view and taken away the little bit of true free choice we ever had. The powers that be (with our ignorance and sometimes blessing) have shaped the argument, controlled our media, and tried to intellectually clobber anyone who even suggests that they have a different opinion or get their news from another source, eg; AlJazzera.
The last best hope that we have left is Ron Paul for president. There is no other way now. The poor and middle class have their backs against the wall and its very probable that the system will begin to slit our throats and create a serfdom. Case in point student loans and the Columbia university scandal.
Oh and why oh why do we make pilots go through the backscatter scanner and pat downs. They have a gun and the cockpit already, how much more power to cause harm might they have?!