Friday, February 24, 2012

An atheist or should I say a human's point of view

At the bottom of this post lies the url for the point of this post.  When you look at a person, what is it you see?  Do you see a baseless individual or something more perhaps?  Do you see a soul or a primate? When you look into the eyes of a child, do you see a muslim child or catholic child or simply a child?

I frequently come across the writings of religious believers and its runs the gamut of reasonable discourse to insane ramblings that seem more akin to the residents of a mental hospital. The worst make flagrant attempts to sway only the most credulous of us into their way of twisted thinking. This gem here was gleamed from the a fore mentioned link: "....anything this side of Hell is mercy. Remember--you deserve to go to Hell."  This is in reference to the 'basic' person; you, me, everyone.  This does not seem fit for a healthy mind to think such of people.

Let us try to imagine our soul, just now infused into the zygoat of our mothers womb.  Did I ask or better yet, did my soul ask to be created and then infused into this biology?  It seems to me that in any event we all came into this world through no choice of our own. Only now many years after our birth do we now have the ability to even question such things. So here we are 'given' life for which we do not deserve for we are immoral, grotesque, sinners.  We are all apparently just a breath away from being evil.  If you thinks this of us, then we do indeed deserve hell. But fortunately for us all, there is no evidence of any sort that leads, either rationally or logically, to these conclusions.  This evidence include literature, science, history, and even other holy books and scripture.

If the theist god who created the cosmos is to be true, he gave us many faculties in which to learn and disseminate how the world really is.  This quote says much:  "....because ''believing on Christ'' means surrendering everything, giving up everything. If you are not willing to surrender everything,..."  I have heard this before and I'm betting you have as well.  I understand this to mean that we are to give up our logic, reason, skepticism, and even our very inquisitive nature.  Why would god give us these things just for us to dispose of them?  This isn't how you treat a gift.

Would anyone argue that we are not, at a base level, explorers. We all explore the universe, our world, ourselves, human experience, emotion, and a myriad of other 'things'.  Even the religious try to get to the truth, even if they incorrectly discount certain information.  So in our very nature to seek religious truth, the above quote seems to be irreconcilable with what the aim of its objective is.

There is racking misery to be found right here on earth. Fortunately nothing in, on, or above this earth tells me there is a hell waiting for us. Nor is there a heaven where god sits waiting for us to commit thought crime to judge us without appeal.  I cannot submit myself to this willful attempt at intellectual suicide and I implore you not to fall for these tricks they would have you fall into. All this talk of humanity belongs in hell seems very hateful to me. Why would god use hate in order for us to conform to his wishes, which seem to me to be mightily terrestrial.

There is nothing in the bible or koran or any other holy text that suggests they have any special knowledge.  There is nothing in these books that have any information any more advanced than that of a 1st or 7th century man.  A modern wheelbarrow would have been the invention of a lifetime and yet we should listen to them on the creation, workings, and death of the universe? No sir, I will not let this happen. I will not subscribe to ignorance in the face of knowledge. I will not let my mind fall victim to irrational discourse. I will not let my country fall victim to theocratic politicians. And I beg that you will not either.

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